Our Facilities


Forging Ahead in Footwear:
The Journey of PT Handal Sukses Jepara


Founded in 2017, PT Handal Sukses Jepara rapidly established itself as a pivotal player in the footwear industry, signifying our strategic expansion into Java's central region. Our facility, situated in the acclaimed city of Jepara—a rising center for shoe manufacturing—has rapidly evolved into a key site for large-scale production, adeptly meeting the growing demands of the sector with unparalleled efficiency and precision.

In the early stages, our journey was marked by significant challenges, primarily stemming from the local workforce's initial unfamiliarity with the detailed requirements of footwear components manufacturing. This situation necessitated a substantial investment in comprehensive training and skill enhancement programs. Under the expert leadership and unwavering dedication of our management team, we navigated these initial obstacles successfully. Presently, our operations in Jepara function with remarkable efficiency, embodying our dedication to excellence and our capacity to adapt to diverse industrial demands.

Distinctive from our other plants, PT Handal Sukses Jepara boasts a specialized in-house painting line dedicated exclusively for EVA footwear components. This not only emphasizes our commitment to innovation and excellence but also positions us at the forefront of delivering high-quality, aesthetically pleasing EVA footwear to our esteemed clients.


The foundation of PT Handal Sukses Jepara was laid with a modest setup comprising 14 IMEVA machines. Driven by a mission to excel in a competitive marketplace through a steadfast focus on quality and innovation, our journey has seen remarkable growth. This growth trajectory is most evident in our expanded production capabilities.

Currently, our facility boasts the capacity to produce more than 3 million pairs of EVA midsoles monthly. In addition to this, we have the capability to manufacture 500 tons of EVA compound each month. This significant increase in our production output not only demonstrates our ability to effectively respond to varied market needs but also firmly establishes PT Handal Sukses Jepara as a frontrunner in the footwear component manufacturing industry.